
Ham Manor Golf Club


Wednesday 28th July 2021
Ham Manor, Tees - White (Men), Red (Ladies)
H'cap Allowance: 95%

Junior West Sussex League competition, comprising teams from golf clubs in West Sussex (Ham Manor, Goodwood, Worthing, Bognor, West Sussex and more recently Selsey).

The cost to enter a team in the league will be determined by the cost to enter a club into the JTG Final, e.g. in 2017 1st Entry £250, 2nd Entry £200, 3rd Entry £150 and 4th Entry £150. Two teams entered for the Final would have cost £450, split between 11 clubs, so cost per club £41. The cost per club should be no more than £50.

Each club hosts an event.

Team of four from each club, 24 players in total.  Played in 3-balls, with no 2 players from the same club playing in the same 3- ball. The winning team is the one which has the highest total of 3 players from the team of 4.

Junior individual Stableford competition (18 holes).

95% handicap allowance.

Please read the Rules carefully.


Wednesday 28th July 2021, White & Red Tees, Ham Manor

(95% handicap allowance)

View Statistics for this Competition

Results Points Switch to Gross Points
1stCharlie Wood(14) 40
2ndFreddie Muggeridge(3) West Sussex 37
3rdAlfie Moxham(10) Littlehampton Golf Club 37
4thThomas Hendrick(8) Bognor Regis Golf Club 36
5thTristan Dickinson(11) West Sussex 36
6thHarry Little(14) 34
7thRhys Nicholas(4) 33
8thMiles Dickinson(2) West Sussex 33
9thSebastian Dedman(24) 32
10thLuca Alonso(8) Royal Winchester 31
11thJames Pollard(12) Golf at Goodwood Golf Club 31
12thJack Berry(13) Golf at Goodwood Golf Club 29
13thZachary Hauffe(10) Golf at Goodwood Golf Club 28
14thBilly Bicknell(8) Bognor Regis Golf Club 28
15thAlfred Craker(5) Worthing Golf Club 28
16thReuben Austin(12) Bognor Regis Golf Club 27
17thThomas Ford(24) Selsey Golf Club 27
18thNicholas Trimmer(13) Worthing Golf Club 25
19thRex Kelly(15) Worthing Golf Club 25
20thThomas Bisatt(12) Golf at Goodwood Golf Club 25
21stEdward Trevillion(6) West Sussex 22
22ndEwan Lennox(24) Selsey Golf Club 18
23rdRobin Davey(23) Bognor Regis Golf Club 18
24thFynn-Lee Hinshelwood(21) Selsey Golf Club 16

Competition in Progress

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Open To: Men & Ladies
Current Entries: 24

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